Sunday, 22 November 2015

Over & Out

Hello again. It's been a couple of months since my previous post. I haven't been online very much over the past few weeks, a lot has happened and changed. Without going into too much detail, I decided to return home in September. Whilst life in Japan was amazing and I truly wish I could have stayed longer, the work just wasn't what it was cracked up to be. After a few weeks of indecisiveness, I realised that I needed to come home. This was a really heart-wrenching decision to make, especially when you have built up a whole life around you, have friends and hobby commitments. But I realised that only half of my life was a happy one, and that was the time I wasn't at work -which was most of my week. Life is too short to be unhappy and you have to keep moving forward. 

"Never say goodbye. Because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."
Coming home isn't an easy task either. Learning to adapt back into your country's ways and systems after living two years in a completely different place is quite challenging. I don't know what the future is going to bring. Many of the plans I had made are no longer an option to me. But, as my mother says: "As one door closes, another opens." I truly believe this. 
My time in Japan and the memories I made there will always remain with me. I met some truly amazing people from all walks of life and I hope to remain friends with them always. I'm sure I'll return to Japan one day, but I know that there's still a whole wide world out there to see and explore. Life sometimes throws you little hiccups and challenges to test and strengthen you. But there's always something that will come out of it in the end. It's this thought that has kept me going when times have been really hard. 

Anyway, this is probably the last post I will write in here. So, it's over and out from me. Be sure to check my other pages on this blog and any new ones that follow. 

All the best, 

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